Many parents & coaches are accidentally damaging kids’ youth sports experiences…

…and they don’t realize it

Here’s What You Get With The Iceberg System


Kids Are Excited To Play Year After Year

Today, 50% of kids quit by age 11.  The #1 reason they quit sports is because they’re not having fun anymore. 

Most people think it’s just a few “bad apples” that damage the youth sports experience for kids.  But many level-headed parents & coaches are accidentally sucking the fun out of sports, but they don’t even realize it. 

The Iceberg System teaches parents & coaches how to keep youth sports fun so kids love the game and continue to play season after season.

Fewer Problems in Your Organization

Associations, clubs, and schools have fewer conflicts and complaints because parents & coaches both get the same information about how to create a great youth sports experience for kids. 

Parents understand what things hurt their child’s youth sports experience and what things often strain parent-athlete relationships.

Coaches recognize the actions that accidentally crush an athlete’s confidence or steal their love for the game.

A Program That’s Easy For Everyone

The Iceberg System is a curriculum of 6 different short online courses.  Parents & coaches of 3rd-8th grade athletes take ONE course per year.

All courses are 30 minutes in length. The short video lessons are updated regularly with the latest research and expert recommendations.

The Iceberg System is easy for organizations to implement. It takes one hour of time and our software tracks parent & coach participation.


Score Big with A Trio of Game-Changing Tools


The Team Selection Guide

Tired of the drama and complaints once teams are announced?  This simple checklist with templates will save your time and sanity by slashing complaints after teams are announced.  Plus, it equips parents with strategies to effectively help their athletes manage nerves during tryouts and navigate disappointing roster outcomes.

The Coach's Checklist

Use this tool to help the coaches in your youth sports organization.  Coaching can be incredibly time-consuming and demanding.  This checklist:  1. Saves coaches’ time and effort when preparing for their pre-season team meeting. 2. Lists all of the essential topics coaches must cover. 3. Sets the stage for open dialogue from day one of the season.

The Optimal Push Guide

Be the best parent for your athlete!  Take the quiz inside to discover if you’re a supportive, pressuring, or optimal pushing parent…and learn how to make changes if necessary. Also, get answers to questions like, “My athlete is not doing the necessary things to achieve their goals. How can I best handle it without damaging our relationship?”