An Online Sports Parent & Coach Education Program To Give Your Athletes An Edge
Providing youth sports organizations & individuals with short online courses so kids…

Achieve Their Full Potential

Continue To Have Fun

Play Year After Year
Did You Know 50% Of Kids Quit Sports By Age 11?
The main reason kids quit is because they’re not having fun anymore
Youth Sports Have Changed
The focus has shifted from fun and learning to winning and performance – increasing pressure on kids and causing challenges like:
Early Specialization
Overuse Injuries
Finding Quality Coaches
Unbalanced Playing Time
Self-Confidence Issues
Bad Game Day Behavior
A Shortage Of Officials
Pressure On Athletes
Parents & Coaches Want What’s Best For Kids But…
Most don’t know how to give their athletes the support they truly need.
Many lack the insight, training, or tools to help their athletes & teams succeed.
Empower Parents & Coaches To Give Kids The Youth Sports Experience They Deserve
The Iceberg System

Keep Youth Sports Fun
Parents learn how to alleviate pressure on their young athletes, while coaches gain strategies to keep youth sports enjoyable for kids.

Best Support Your Athletes
Parents are empowered to provide the support their athletes truly need, while coaches gain insights and tools to help their athletes and teams succeed.

Kids Achieve Full Potential
When youth athletes have the right mindset and receive customized parental support and high-quality coaching, they’re best positioned to reach their full potential.

What Exactly Is The Iceberg System?
It’s a no-fluff youth sports parent & coach education program
Who is it for?
Our program is specifically designed for busy parents & coaches of 3rd-8th grade athletes. We partner with youth sports associations, clubs, and schools and welcome individual participants as well.
How does it work?
The Iceberg System consists of three 30-minute online courses for parents and one 60-minute course for coaches. Group participants take one course per year, and our software tracks course completion.
What's the investment?
For youth sports organizations: Implementation takes one hour each season. The cost is similar to one drive-thru meal per athlete, which covers all parents, coaches, and board members.

Praise For The Iceberg System
Youth Sports Organization Leader
“This stuff is different, pithy, and tangible. Even our most seasoned parents & coaches found it helpful.”
“Originally, I thought this was a silly thing to have to do because I feel like I’m not a crazy parent but I realized that I’m making a lot of mistakes and this course helped me !!! I’m excited to use what I learned this season!”
“Everyone needs to hear this message. The coach’s stuff on playing time was wonderful.”
The Process Is Simple For Organizations
Schedule A Call
Book a quick call. We’ll talk to determine if The Iceberg System may be a good fit for your goals and the challenges in your organization.
Vet Our Program
If The Iceberg System seems like it might be a good fit, you’ll be given free access to the first course so you can vet the program yourself.
Watch Your Kids Thrive
Enjoy watching the kids in your organization have a blast, play year after year, and reach their full athletic potential.
Because Youth Sports Have Changed So Much…
The way we parent & coach our athletes must change too!
Lynnelle Sell
Founder, Iceberg Sports Education
Youth sports have become extremely competitive. Parents worry about whether their athlete will make a particular team or get quality playing time, organizations struggle to find enough quality coaches, and young athletes feel the pressure to perform.
As a parent to 3 grown athletic kids, a youth coach for over 15 years, and a former college athlete, I understand your challenges. The Iceberg System was created to:
1. Keep kids playing year after year. Well-meaning parents & coaches will stop inadvertently sucking the fun out of their kids’ youth sports experiences.
2. Enable kids to achieve their full athletic potential. Parents will give their athletes the support they truly need, while coaches will be equipped with the insights and tools necessary to help their athletes and teams succeed.
3. Improve the communication between parents, coaches, and athletes to significantly reduce the tension and conflicts within families and organizations.
Score Big with A Trio of Game-Changing Tools

The Team Selection Guide
Tired of the drama and complaints once teams are announced? This simple checklist with templates will save your time and sanity by slashing complaints after teams are announced. Plus, it equips parents with strategies to effectively help their athletes manage nerves during tryouts and navigate disappointing roster outcomes.

The Coach's Checklist
Use this tool to help the coaches in your youth sports organization. Coaching can be incredibly time-consuming and demanding. This checklist: 1. Saves coaches’ time and effort when preparing for their pre-season team meeting. 2. Lists all of the essential topics coaches must cover. 3. Sets the stage for open dialogue from day one of the season.

The Optimal Push Guide
Be the best parent for your athlete! Take the quiz inside to discover if you’re a supportive, pressuring, or optimal pushing parent…and learn how to make changes if necessary. Also, get answers to questions like, “My athlete is not doing the necessary things to achieve their goals. How can I best handle it without damaging our relationship?”